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Million said:

1. That really has no relevance to the discussion ,.

2. We don't know how much the PS3 currently costs to make , but there have been rumours of a PS3 slim and we do know the Sony has a history is cost reduction and redesigning consoles so they've probably become more efficient at it , there's also a greater need for a cheaper PS3 which sony most likely recognise . My argument becomes relevant once (A) Sony cut's the price of the PS3 (B) Sony releases a PS3 slim.


Theres more to cost reduction than simply making changes. You have to sell a lot of consoles to really make back money on a lot of cost reductions. Also theres a question of their royalty fees to third parties such Nvidia, Blu Ray/DVD playback and whoever designs the XD ram and the custom nature of that XD ram and memory controller as well as the fact that they no longer manufacture the Cell CPU themselves and have sold off many patents, IIRC about the patents.
