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ChronotriggerJM said:

 Taking a look at game like Killzone 2, Final Fantasy 13, MGS4 etc. etc. Really have me amazed at the sheer amount of content they can offer, and if some of these can deliver in 60 FPS, 1080P. 7.1 then I for one am DEFINATELY down for increased disk size.

That's another reason why I think BD was a mistake on the PS3... I seriously doubt we will see high quality 1080p 60fps games on the RSX... I don't think the hardware is up to it. Lair was a slideshow and Heavenly Sword hiccuped quite a bit at that resolution. I just don't think either the 360 or PS3 is powerful enough and I'd much rather see devs scale it back to 720p for gameplay's sake this generation. Maybe GT5 will prove me wrong but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were forced to 720p and/or 30fps before the game releases and if they do offer a 1080p resolution, it will end up being upscaled from 720p with no real texture or graphical improvements offered.

So if these systems can't do 1080p comfortably, what is the point of BD or HD-DVD right now? 7.1 audo and CGI? No thanks, I'll stick to DVD if that's all I'm getting out of the deal.


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