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Personally as a 360 owner the only worry I have for my 360 is that the dvd medium would not be enough for future games though I feel in the end having the hardrives will take care of this issue I ask does it really matter?

My cousin and I where having a discussion about how much great games like zelda, metroid, mario galaxy and SSB seem to have and use DVD.  Now I know the HD stuff requires more space but how much does it truly need?  I mean Mass Effect supposedly has tons of dialogue and is set to be 40+ hours of gameplay yet it fit in 1 DvD.  Would you sacrifice slightly lower HD textures in order to have extra features or gameplay?  I think this is sort of the point Bungie was trying to make with the lower resolution they used because as long as they can do everything they want to do gameplay wise it really doesn't matter a great deal.  Also I am curious to see how big those multiplatform games are compared to each other.  Are the PS3 versions much larger or about the same size?  Obviously the first and second party developers keep talking about how much more space they needed to make their games for the PS3 but has the same been true to multiplatform games?  How is cod4 or assassins creed fitting into a dvd vs blue-ray?  I know the PS3 has 7.1 audio vs 5.1 but does it really matter? If games focus on the gameplay, good frame rates and being fun does it really matter how much space it took up?    

In the end the PS3 has the best position since it does have the blue-ray disk but with the installed based well established for the Wii and 360 will it really matter?  Don't think we will truly know for a while. 

 Finally though that is my only concern as a 360 owner the fact that I been playing and will continue to play really good games for sometime I don't think it matters much for now.