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CGI-Quality said:
Mirson said:
badgenome said:
CGI-Quality said:
badgenome said:
NJ5 said:

I have read through the whole thread and didn't notice anyone bashing the game...


Yeah, I haven't either. I have seen two or three people complaining about non-existant bashing, though.

There are people bashing the notion of why it's PS3 exclusive. If you missed that, re-read the thread. I think you know what darth was talking about. It may not be bashing the game specifically, but it's a negative tone towards a game they haven't seen yet.

Talks of delays, how it's stupid to be PS3 exclusive etc, etc...... What I find hysterical is R* is ACTUALLY still making a PS3 exclusive when people doubted that they were.

That makes no sense. He put Rockstar in the same category as Miyamoto or Bungie, so he's obviously talking about game quality - even though he lied and agreed with your interpretation because he had been called out on his delusions.

As for talk of "delays," given that it's Sony (who always announces shit way too early) and Rockstar (who are super ambitious, and especially in this case where they're comparing it to GTA), and the fact that we didn't see any screens, a teaser, or anything but a logo... I don't think it's bashing to suggest that it's probably a 2011 game.

Regarding PS3 excusivity, if it's wrong to bash the idea, it's also wrong of forevercloud to misconstrue the article to say that Rockstar is developing a PS3 exclusive just because they have soooooo much confidence in the Playstation brand. I thought everyone knew by now that Rockstar agreed to make a new game for Sony after being allowed to take GTA multiplatform.

It's also pretty funny that he's accusing Microsoft of moneyhatting with every other breath, and that he point blank said that Sony had some kind of moral objection to paying for exclusivity, but I guess that's neither here nor there.

Curse your logic and reasoning. It has no business doing here.

PS3 FTW!!!

I used logic and reason. But since this is negative to PS3, I expect you to be all over it.


Ah, the ole "Mirson is anti-PS3."

fyi: I like the PS3, PS3 fanboys are a different story. You'd be surprised how often I use my PS3. Hell, I just got off playing Warhawk and KZ2 for 3 hours straight.