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vitoaf27 said:
jcp234 said:
vitoaf27 said:
jcp234 said:
rukusa said:
I find it mostly ridiculous how certainly articles and people are trying to discredit R* and/or downplay exclusivity because the platform in question is the PS3.

It sorta displays a large sense of jealous imo and/or the fact this could be something big that some people will miss out on when it lands.

It's even more ridiculous that you think someone can be "jealous" of a console. If someone really wants to play the game, said person can purchase a PS3.

By the time this game releases, the price of the PS3 will have declined significantly. I plan to purchase a PS3 for God of War III.

Most posters just get really frustrated and annoyed with illogical pretentious PS3 fanboy posting, which you are a contributor to as well.

There is really no other reason but that. Sorry to ruin your blissful ignorance.

If you really want to help the PS3 fanboy movement, it would behove you and other fanboys to try to post with some intelligence, restraint and logic.


That is all...


No offense, but there is such a thing as Microsoft, Nintendo, and many other types of fanboys. Sony fanboys aren't the only ones that are annoying. But this kind of IS a Sony forum, so for you[or anyone else who comes in here complaining about Sony fanboys] to come in here and say that is even MORE ridiculous.

So, you think I came into the Sony forum looking to start trouble? I only select topics that appear on the front page and that I have posted in before.

I NEVER search through any of the forums. My participation on this site is usually limited to the homepage.

Aside from that, regardless of what forum this is located in, there is enough false information floating around on the internet....

And lets be honest, on this site...Sony fanboys are the most extreme...and they clearly outnumber the other groups...and they do not make the smallest attempt to be subtle. Their blind bias is tactless and very much obvious.

Oh, and I guess it's Ok for Sony fanboys to instult and misconstrue the intent of posters who are just trying to make a little sense of their ramblings?


No, I don't think you meant to start trouble. But that line I bolded in your previous post seemed like it was a cheap shot and could have easily been left out of your post. I'll make this easy for you. Would you like somebody coming into your house and calling you[or your friends, for lack of a better analogy] annoying? I don't think so. You came into the Sony forums and called Sony fanboys annoying. That's rude and immature if you ask me. I don't really mean to single you out because there are A LOT worse posters than you who say a lot worse things, and I can't be sure that Sony fans don't do the same in Microsoft and Nintendo forums because I don't visit them, but it had to be said.

Oh, and one last thing @bolded. This site does have a majority of Sony fans, so yes it's logical that Sony'd have the most fanboys as well. But if you've ever visited Gamespot or IGN forums, it's sickening sometimes.

LOL I had no idea that the Sony's forum was their home? Have they finished making the payments on that home? Whatever point you are/were trying to make, I am not convinced. I appreciate your efforts to be civil though. Blatantly communicating false or misleading information should be corrected regardless of where it happens...

You can call me whatever you like, you can dress it up however you doesn't change the facts. This thread is full of illogical Sony fanboys and when someone attempts to interject with logic...said posters are labeled as "jealous" or "bashers" LOL That tickles me.

Also, your "home" example isn't really effective or logical...It's labeled the Sony forum because that's where Sony related topics are discussed. It isn't owned by Sony fanboys or supporters collectively...and it is not a safe zone for fanboys to spew misleading nonsense unchallenged...I apologize if you were under the impression that it was.

It's funny that you question my maturity, because I question your ability to rationalize given the things you have communicated thus far.

That is all...

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.