Not really with you riot other then your spam blad dance just that it dose not take much lag to just detory zss power. Online there is a set 6 frams of lag that there nothing you can do ontop of some imput lag i am getting vs you i am mainly only able to get you with foward B and up air. Ever thing else is just too timed requed to make work. Vs shea i am able to eages card with back air easy but becuase of the imput lag that i am getting there no way i can pull it off with out koing my self. Hell even with kerbly i ko my self becuase the game would not input that i put in a jump that just how bad it is even if its just a low amont of lag.
Any way food rdy so i will be back on after i eat. I guess i will just have to play my off chaters zss just not going to work if you want any ture compotsion.