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Just because it's current gen, it doesn't mean people do not like playing old games. I get a PS3 with BC because it is important if my PS2 ever breaks in the future after they stop the production of it. I don't want my PS2 games to ever become obsolete. It's a great thing to have 1 console do all generation of games, rather than placing a PS2 and PS3 together, hogging up all the space. It may not be important to some people, but it may also be important to others. Taking out specs and then selling it for a lower price, it's not really a "price cut", it's a "pricing". When 60gig dropped to $499, that was a price cut since all the specs are the same but selling $100 less than originally.

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3