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"But tell me, why do you think Blu Ray has already won the war? As an example the Nintendo Wii is outselling Playstation 3 all the time (except for the PS3 launch weeks) and has sold more than double worldwide.

Would you call Wii the winner of the two of them now? And if not, why, and how is the situation anyhow different from the Blu Ray vs. HD DVD?

In both situations a certain product is overselling the other."

Good argument, and welcome to the forums...

How many HDDVD/Blu-Ray consumers/users are out there worldwide today compared to those that have/use DVDs?

Does anyone know, or have links to resources that compare both "last-gen" and "next-gen"consumer media formats?

I don't think  either will win or lose; or at least, they are far from reaching the level of ubiquity that DVDs have achieved. Even if one eventually dies, you will still have a small portion of adherents to that format.

Don't believe me? Betamax was superior to VHS, but lost the war - only on the consumer side, though.  Video pre- and post-production was (and probably still is in many countries around the world) done on Betacam, virtually identical to the Betamax (apart from their recording format).