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Sony presentation - there was so many fails during their presentation that i can't even count:
1. Tretton at the beginnig said that if you want to play best games in 2009 you have to get ps3 and then every ps3 exclusive is getting delay to 2010+.
2. sony is showing their own Wand despite the fact that yesterday they were laughing at wiimote which not only does the same thing wii motion plus was doing year ago, but also whole ps3wand presentation was a bit awkward.
3. Modnation Racing - i mean come one it was exactly like Mario Kart but with fugly realistic graphics and level creator.
4. price of PSP GO and the fact that none of sonys accesories that they released for psp will not work with PSP GO. plus sony showed one of the new accesory for PSP GO that will be sold separately and it's stupid charge cable! yes they are selling charge cable for PSP GO separately(there will be only usb cable inside the box) and the great feature of this cable is the fact that you can charge your psp while playing*facepalm*
5. they announcing FF14 exclusively on ps3, everyone is almost having orgasm and then we see Final Fantasy XIV....Online. and after that SE not only confirmed pc version but also said that they are thinking of bringing it to 360.
6. Agent announcement - i mean seriously do they really wnt me to be hyped over sign? no teaser, screenshot or single artwork? so what next time sony will have 10minute long conference where they will just show few titles on the black screen?
7. Gran Turismo 5 - Duke Nukem Forever of our generation. 4th year in a row we've seen new CGI trailer and that's all. then after E3 they said that they can release this game anytime they want.

8. the guy taking notes during Kojima translation - it was really unprofessional.

ms conference:
1. avatar + natal + and idiot = zombie?

nintendo conference:
well duh ds games. i mean seriously i fought they will show us new petz games at some point.

EA conference:
1. first 15 minutes of it. i couldn't believe what i've seen.

ubisoft conference? well pretty much all of it was a joke.