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Wow, I'm sorry to say this. But everyone posting in this thread has missed the point entirely

even Torillian

Your only response is 'Malstrom is arrogant/a jerk/a dick.'

This is of course true, but unimportant

So how about instead of just point out that this guy's writing style is arrogant, how about you actually discuss what he said...

I think he has a good point, the only reason that the HD consoles are doing anywhere as near as well as they are, is because they can be lumped together so easily, due to the fact that they are very close in terms of power.

He also has a point that the Sony and MS motion controls are very different, and the the PC is likely to use mouse + keyboard for the foreseeable future.

He is then right in concluding that developers will be faced with few options
Making a non motion control game for the PCPS360 - ie ignoring Natal/PSmote

Making a non motion control game for the PCPS360, then tacking on motion controls - This was tried with the Wii for the first year or so of its life, the result? Shit 3rd party games

Making a Natal game and being unable to port it properly to the PCPS3Wii

Making a PSremote game and being unable to port properly to the PC360 due to control issues, or the Wii due to graphics issues

Make a game for the Wii

Noting that
*the 1st and last options are the ones devs currently have
*no-one should consider the 2nd option to be a good one
* The 3rd and 4th options require making a game for a userbase the size of Natal or PSremote sales, rather than PS3 and 360 sales or Wii sales