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The vitality sensor didn't really seem to move people in a good or bad way since they spent so little time on it. It was more a "Huh?" moment than a "what the hell is wrong with this company?!?!" like many thought when they spent so much time on Wii Music last year.

I agree that Sony's motion controller suffered from going last because it seemed like nothing new at all really. From *what they showed* it was little more than a seemingly more accurate Wiimote. The other thing is that I don't think they even had a name for it do they? People have only been referring to it as "the purple dildo" for the most part, when bringing it up at all.

The Microsoft guy clapping for himself/after everything he said was also quite funny.

A big dissapointment/joke for me was the GT5 trailer. I, along with most other people I'm sure, was expecting to learn/see A LOT more about that title than what we got. It seemed like an afterthought in the presentation when it's more than likely going to be their best selling title this generation. I guess it'll sell well either way so what the hell eh? lol

Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360