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hatmoza 2.0 said:
JEDE3 said:


Long story. But basically a group of kids hopped up on vicodin would drive around on weekends picking on people smaller than them. These guys were varsity football players at a rich high school. Couple years old than me. I had a couple run ins with them before. Just them talking shit. I didn't let them intimidate be but one night they saw us again and my friend got in a scuffle with one of their guys and while that was going on one of them suckered punched me from the side.

Thats fucked up. I hate sucker punches, they hurt XD.

The thing that pissed me off the most about it was my friend took the guy down and they were on the ground and my friend was just like "Ahhh this guy is biting my fingers what the fuck" and as I was watching it the dude didnt even have the balls to approach me straight on. I didn't even see it coming. And apparently when me and the guy who suckered punched me (The whole reason my face is messed up is because of the punch) someone hit me in the back. Someone who was watching it told me later. It was a gang of wussies. I would like to use a different word in there but I don't want to get in trouble.