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Basically, what Malstrom suggested was that 'Hardcore HD Motion gaming' will not be possible this generation. Because there simply isn't any market for it. There cannot be a market for it.

Squilliam said:
Content moves to the market and the market moves to the content. What that means is that there are far more HD console FPS fans (In spite of many professing the Wiimotes superiority here) there are more WRPG fans, there are more... etc. The fans which select which market to go to have already made up their mind.
That is, people that really want motion controls have already gone for the Wii. People that want traditional experiences have gone for the PS360. Getting the motionball rolling on PS360 will be difficult.

Aj_habfan said:
I don't think third parties will just abandon PS3/360. They would be quicker to just abandon the "hardcore" motion control games and stick to the normal controlled ones, while releasing cheap casual games, if any at all, for the motion devices.
Yes. That's exactly what Malstrom said. I'm kinda surprised you agreed with him.

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