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Legend11 said:
Biggerboat said:
Legend11 said:
Biggerboat said:

On the plus side if my prediction is correct and in 2008/09 Wii is on par with 360 in terms of dollars invested Wii owners will have around twice as many quality titles to choose from, not to mention more great 1st and 2nd party software as nobody can touch N in that department. Unfortunately for PS3 I think it will be way behind both it's competitors in all software categories as 3rd parties continue to distance themselves from the system and looking at Sony published titles so far as an indication, 1st and 2nd party games will also fall short of it's rival's offerings.

Your prediction is not even close.  Actually why are you predicting when you can basically go to IGN or Gamespot and see what's coming out next year?  I'm sure there will be a few surprises but do you really think that Wii developers are going to pull 20 or 30 huge projects out of nowhere to release next year?  Doubtful considering they would have been announced at TGS (I'm not saying there will be no surprises but people need to be realistic).

Well if you read more carefully you'll notice I stated 2008/09 allowing myself a comfortable 2-year period for my prediction to pan out. Also since a Wii title has a shorter dev cycle it is only natural that it will be announced closer to it's release than that of a 360/PS3 equivalent. Look at Nintendo, as far as I know they've announced Wii Fit, DDoC and MarioKart for '08', are you seriously suggesting there won't be a multitude of other 1st and 2nd party releases in '08'?

We have around 15 months til the end of '08', I personally think that leaves plenty of time for announcements of titles releasing before then. How long before their intended release dates were titles benefitting from significant investment such as Zack & Wiki, Red Steel, Wii Fit, MarioKart, REUC, GH3, Fire Emblem, BW2, No More Heroes, NiGHTS, We Love Golf, etc.,etc. announced?? In fact I'd say the titles announced more than 15 months before release are in the minority, completely disproving your argument.

What was your point again?

1)Ok for starters lets come to an agreement on what quality titles means.  To me they mean titles that aren't low budget crap, cheap minigames, or ports of old Playstation 2 games.  Do you agree? 

2)The 360 has about 160 quality third party titles for next year, that's announced games, the Wii has about 79 titles but if you filter out first party, budget titles, and ports of 2-3 year old Playstation 2 games you're left with about 50.  Now your statement says that you expect the Wii to have about twice as many quality titles as the 360 means that going just by what we know now, it'll need about 270 additional quality third party games for next year in order to make your statement true for 2008.  Do you really believe that 270 quality games are going to be announced for release next year? 

3)Also I did make one mistake I thought you were only talking about 2008, I guess things could be radically different for 2009, maybe third parties will start making tons of money on the Wii and Nintendo won't take the lion's share of game sales on it so they'll put all their quality titles on it instead of trying to cash in with lucrative low budget titles, anything can happen I guess.  Also titles can be delayed, but my numbers assume that nothing new for it will be announced for it for release in 2008. I'm sure there will be at least a few other games announced.

4)Oh and don't get me wrong, I firmly believe the Wii will have a lot more games released for it next year than the 360, but I also believe that a significant amount of it won't be quality (as in the Wii will have at least 30-40% of it's releases being crap).

1)Quality to me means that a game is fun and is executed well with a reasonable degree of polish, this doesn't necesarily mean that they have to cost a lot but more often than not this will turn out to be the case. For instance I believe RRR to be a quality title though you may not as it is based around mini-games. I would also call RE4 a quality title even though it is years old as it greatly benefits from the Wii's interface making the game a better gaming experience though by your definitions you disagree.

2)As I said before, I based my prediction over '08' and '09' so no I don't think it highly likely that Wii will do that much catching up by the end of '08' but wouldn't rule it out entirely. It all really depends on how quickly devs are jumping to Wii and at the moment all we can do is speculate though notice MH3 was just announced by Capcom, that's another bite out of 360's lead! Also I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in regards to your announced quality titles for the 2 platforms, I could very well look at the lineups and come up with very different numbers.

3)So we are on the same page at least to some degree. You accept that at some point it is possible 3rd parties will start moving to Wii, the only real difference is that I'm giving a time frame of '08'-'09' whereas you are giving one of '09'+. I would also be pretty surprised if MH3 wasn't slated for late '08'.

4) I agree that a big chunk of Wii's lineup will be trash but that is the case for any console. At the end of the day if Wii continues to outperform it's rivals the way it has been it is simly logical to expect the majority of 3rd party support. Massive userbase plus cheap development relative to the other platforms means it's a no-brainer for companies who's primary aim is to make profit, I don't think you need a Masters in Economics to realise this.


Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.