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I agree that Malstrom's writing style is often obnoxious. However, the basic argument that he's making boils down to this:

1. The 360 and PS3 motion-control interfaces are quite different from each other.

2. The PC does not have a motion-control interface.

3. Therefore, it would be very difficult to port motion-controlled games across the 360, PS3, and PC. (From 1 and 2.)

4. It's important for third-party developers to make profit from their games.

5. Because HD games are expensive to develop, it's very difficult to make a profit from them if you don't release them on multiple platforms.

6. Therefore, developers will not develop many motion-controlled games for the 360 or PS3. (From 3, 4, and 5.)

That argument makes sense to me, although I think Malstrom might be missing one thing here: Because the Wii and PS3 motion-control interfaces are rather similar, third-party developers may develop Wii-PS3 multiplatform motion-controlled games.

Or am I missing a major problem with Malstrom's basic argument here?