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One of the issues with Natal is that it needs to see your whole body. This raises another issue with how usable Natal is in practice.

There were positive hands-on reports of Burnout running with Natal, where acceleration is controlled with the feet (as in a pedal). Of course the E3 demo and test rooms (as shown in some articles) were empty rooms with lots of space to "waggle" the body around.

However I doubt this is the case for many people. Some people have cramped gaming rooms (I have to put things away when I turn on Wii Fit), some people have tables or other objects that would hide their feet from a camera placed near their TV.

It's already a bit of a pain for me to put away stuff when I want to play Wii Fit, but I put up with it because I'm actually doing some exercise. However, I'm not so sure I would want to do that every time I want to play a game. Using the example of Burnout, do you think the advantage of playing it without a controller is enough to bother reorganizing your room for Natal? Or do you not even need to? I'm wondering whether most people's homes lend themselves to gaming this way.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957