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Has anyone got actual in game screenshots/gameplay footage of the XBOX 360 version of alan wake , does anyone even know what alan wake is about ? . It's a sad state of affairs when fanboys try to tout games that they have no clue about as graphical powerhouses.

Sony has proven consistently that the PS3 is a graphical powerhouse , it's no suprise to me that the industr is begining to confirm this , it has however been known for a long time that the PS3 graphicaly suprases it's rival . Uncharted , GT5:P , Ratchet and Clank etc ( I could go on) have consistently proven the PS3's graphical superiority.

Considering that the PS3 is already prooven to be ahead of the 360 ( Killzone 2) it'll be interesting to see the results of it pulling further ahead ( Heavy Rain , Uncharted 2 ?)