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deathcape said:

yeah..I suppose, but I dislike how the 'hardcore' like to start fights..because excuse me..
it's kind of retarded how some things work nowadays..
1:1 control was announced last year...nobody cared of these..'hardcore'
because it was still waggle to them..'should have come out of the box' they get it on their HD systems..and most of them are suddenly interested..
I fear it has to do more with fanboyism than real preference

the preference of having HD graphics..though they aren't a necessity..neither for developers nor gaming experiences

and it's ridiculous how they bash the Wii and Nintendo for every little thing..or make assumptions so.....

two wrong's don't make a right

but it's satisfying as hell ^_^ it's cute to see them run around and squirm..because I know Malstrom isn't inventing things either..the things he writes about actually make alot of sense..
so we'll see

Its unfortunate that the people have made up their mind about the Wii. Personally I was unhappy that the HD console makers were going down that route until I stopped caring about who would 'win' and started thinking that who the winner was didn't matter it was the fact that there they are the winner makes them more likely to suit me. For a lot of people the words are just the justification, its fanboy logic. The answer will remain the same even if the justification changes.

Reach conclusion, justify with 'facts' or 'reasons' and then hit the post button. Every system has its share, for and against. I find the ignore feature makes me so much happier that I no longer act in a particularly fanboyish manner. (most of the time. )

Personally im finding the fixation on the technical details a little bothersome. Theres an assumption running around that X company is incompetent, so if one little detail is out of place its immediately picked apart without base. Im not personally a fan of Malstrom because I don't like the method by which he reaches his conclusions. The end point to his logic seems independant of the evidence he provides. I do enjoy his perspective, even if his writing style can be long winded and grating.

