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yeah..I suppose, but I dislike how the 'hardcore' like to start fights..because excuse me..
it's kind of retarded how some things work nowadays..
1:1 control was announced last year...nobody cared of these..'hardcore'
because it was still waggle to them..'should have come out of the box' they get it on their HD systems..and most of them are suddenly interested..
I fear it has to do more with fanboyism than real preference

the preference of having HD graphics..though they aren't a necessity..neither for developers nor gaming experiences

and it's ridiculous how they bash the Wii and Nintendo for every little thing..or make assumptions so.....

two wrong's don't make a right

but it's satisfying as hell ^_^ it's cute to see them run around and squirm..because I know Malstrom isn't inventing things either..the things he writes about actually make alot of sense..
so we'll see