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txrattlesnake said:
bluesinG said:
txrattlesnake said:
bluesinG said:
txrattlesnake said:
bluesinG said:
txrattlesnake said:
HappySqurriel said:
txrattlesnake said:
HappySqurriel said:

     I didn't say 5 million for FFXIII.  I say 2 million for FFXIII,  2 million for GT5, and 2 million for FF Versus XIII.  And probably an additional 2 million for FFXIV.  Bringing in 4 million new PS3 owners in Japan following the release of FF XIV.  I think those are very reasonable expectations especially when you have other games I'm not counting that will also appeal to Japanese gamers like whatever Sega's follow up to the latest Yakuza is, Tales of Vesperia PS3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma II, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Rising PS3, Lost Planet 2, The Last Guardian, and other games from Japanese studios that will follow these especially since many Japanese studios won't feel inclined to make HD games on 360 when the PS3 has an advantage of 8 million PS3s sold in Japan to 2 million on 360.

     With all of the above, it isn't unreasonable to think the PS3 will pass 10 million consoles sold in Japan this gen.

Umm... 2 million for FF XIV in Japan? The last MMO in the series, FF XI, sold 150,000 copies in Japan, on a much larger PS2 install base.®ion=All

     From Wikipedia,

     "In April 2009, Square Enix announced that the total number of active characters exceeded 2 million for the first time in game history.[3] Previously Square Enix had announced that more than 500,000 users, using more than one million characters, were playing the game as of January 2004. As of 2006, between 200,000 and 300,000 active players logged in per day, and the game remains the dominant MMORPG in Japan.[4] As of 2008, in an announcement for three additional expansions in development, SE noted Final Fantasy XI still has a strong user base of around 500,000 subscribers. [5] As of April 22nd, 2009 there are 2,000,000 active characters. Four expansions for the game have been released, capitalizing on the game's success."

     I have as hard a time believing that a game that has 2,000,000 active characters sold only 150,000 copies as I do that the Burning Crusade sold 0.0 copies.

If there were 500k sold worldwide, then 150k sold in Japan would seem about right, no?

Even if we assume 1 million sold worldwide, it's a long way from there to 2 million sold in Japan only, which was your prediction for FF XIV.

      This site says .15 copies of FFXI have been sold total, it then says 0.00 copies sold on PC, and .18 sold on 360.  I don't buy those numbers especially with the the Wikipedia article saying FFXI is the dominant mmorpg in Japan.  That means it has sold more in Japan than World of Warcraft.  Judging from the fact that all other Playstation Final Fantasies have sold 2 million + copies in Japan, then I feel that FFXI across its different versions must have too.

For the PS2 version of FF XI, VGChartz only has estimated sales for Japan--150k.

The largest number of users cited in the Wikipedia entry was 500k--worldwide and across all platforms.

Since you predict that the PS3 version of FF XIV will sell more than 2 million copies in Japan alone, I challenge you to find a source for the claim that the PS2 version of Final Fantasy XI has sold more than 500k in Japan.

     You're not going to get 2 million active characters out of only 500k users.  It says previously 500,000 users were using 1 million active characters.  Going with that information, then it is saying that 1 million users were using 2 million active characters.  And then there would be the large number of users that purchased the game but are no longer active players.  That translates into 1,500,000n to 2,000,000 people having bought FFXI at the least.  

The numbers quoted are (a) worldwide, and (b) across all platforms. I asked you for evidence that there were more than 500k in sales for (a) the PS2 version (b) in Japan only.