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Kenny said:
Dick or not, I think he's got a point, though not the one he's trying to make. The Natal and the PS3's wand are so fundamentally different (one that dispenses with buttons altogether vs one that is essentially a different implementation of the WM+), that there likely won't be any PS360 games that use motion, at least in the same way. Thus, for motion games, at least, the Wii immediately becomes the most viable.

HOWEVER, I think he's grossly overestimating the developers' likelihood of making use of these new control schemes. The most probable outcome is this: When you combine high development costs associated with HD games with the risk factor of largely motion-driven games and the fragmentation of the PS360 bloc he mentioned, the logical conclusion is simply to ignore these new control schemes, and keep producing conventional games.

I think he was saying this also. Except he also says motion control is the future. Which it is because more and more people are going to demand motion controls because the Wii is building a up expectation for those in games increasinglly.  Of course publishers will only provide those features on the console that has the most marketshare in that respect which is the Wii.