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WereKitten said:
dahuman said:
WereKitten said:

Have you seen the building blocks manipulation segment of the demo? That's an example of something that could not be done with any console interface up to day.

you can do that with a wiimote without motion plus already, would just be even more accurate with WM+, the only diff is you can only do 1 at a time with a Wiimote, you know, kinda like a mouse.


edit: now that I think about it, you can do that with 2 Wiimotes, and you can also do that with Natal because it can track 3D depth, so you use 3 fingers from each hand as an input device(though can be a little flawed depending on angle,) you can literally move the blocks front, back, twist, and all sorts of things. hate to break it to you but it can be done with all the controllers, or a PC setup.

That would work with 2 Wiimotes as long as they keep "seeing" the led bar, so that they can use the IR pointing. But not if the manipualtion requires you to rotate them alot.

you only need to use the IR when you move the blocks front and back(you can also use buttons to reset the distance, it'd be like dragging, basically just like a mouse) all the rest can be done with tilt and twist, with natal, you'd use some voice commands which is logical, my point is that you say it can't be done on any other inputs, but they can all be done, that's all I'm trying to say.