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nordlead said:
Hapimeses said:
Quilex said:
Yep Boom Blox game original cheap or the new one great multilayer game. Super Paper Mario is also a good one for family and dare I say wii fit or wait for wii fit + ithas been used a lot in our house and we have Shawn White for it as well, the balance board is fun as a "bring out when you have friends over" item.

Yeaj Wii Fit was an essential purchase for us, and was the driving reason for buying the machine. It's already had a fair bit of use, but I was surprised to learn I'd lost 4lbs in just 10 minutes of 'working out'. Hmm, not the most accurate then. That said, it's still a good larf.

As for Super Paper Mario, I know pretty much nothing about this; what's the game about?

It was all water weight. As you sweat you can easily lose 10lb of weight if you don't rehydrate yourself. Which is why you should weigh youself once a day before you really do anything.

(so, does all my replies start to count as spamming yet )

Trust me, they only count as spamming if all my replies do; it looks like I'm going to be here all night asking questions!

And, I didn't sweat at all, unfortuantely. It was only 10 minutes of messing with mini-games, and I was messing with the easy stuff.