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It is a giveback for Chinese financial backing of a country that is going down the shitter. When China pulls out we have 2 options: print more fiat money and become Zimbabwe via hyperinflation or monetize the debt and become extremely poor anyway. This is a gesture of "goodwill" by an administration who can't understand that in order to create jobs you cut taxes on businesses, esp small businesses which provide 75% US employment and create smaller govt by cutting wasteful programs and depts (DoEd; DoE; etc, etc) This is a clear violation of US security as well as the Chinese, when they do back out (they are starting to now) will be at war with other PACCOM nations and the US. China can afford to wait. It is in their psychology and culture. It is ultimate venture capitalism. Know your enemy, work with him, then crush him. Then China will the Red Dragon hyperpower it has always longed to be.