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perpride said:

I'm have to say that I am HUGELY dissapointed with both MS and Sony for their motion peripherals.

I mean, both MS and Sony admitted defeat to Nintendo at this point...but this garbage???

After seeing both Project Natal and PS3's little mic thing in "action", both look beyond fraud to me. The most amazing thing is how a short two days ago EVERY SINGLE one of you HD fanboys were up Nintendo's ass for how stupid the path they took with the Wii is. Today, half of you are talking about about how motion plus is going to be eclypsed by that ugly ass (opinnion, I know it was just for the tech demo) microphone Sony showed yesterday. The other half have of the people half some stupid tagline in their signature about how Project Natal is the future of gaming. Face detection and voice recognition. OOOOOOOOH. WHO THE HELL CARES??? They both look garbage!!!

The only motion add-on peripheral I will be purchasing this generation of consoles is Motion plus. Why? I know it will get tons of support from Nintendo and we will see creative and fun games. At this point, no matter what MS and Sony do their peripherals will never recieve as much good conent. For gods sake leave nintendo to what they brought in this gen. and stick to what you already have. You will never see a game that looks as good as Killzone 2 on PS3 with motion's a sad truth...get over it.

MS and Sony lost a lot of respect from me. I know business is all about money but wow.

Ummm... Maybe.  Then maybe not...


E3 09: EA CEO behind Sony motion controls and Project Natal

8:40 AM on 06.03.2009, Brad Rice

Catching up with EA CEO John Riccitiello, IndustryGamers talked with him about the upcoming future of motion controllers. The boys at EA have been playing around with both Sony and Microsoft's technologies for a while, and they first were informed about the projects about 15 months ago.

Since then, they've been experimenting left and right. In talking about Project Natal, he said, "it's certainly very compelling for a number of game concepts I've got in my mind and my teams are working on. ... I think the challenges around it is that there's a lot to be worked out – it's not something consumers have interacted with before." Natal's ambition was really shown off with Peter Molyneux showing off Milo. After seeing it in the press conference, I fully expected it to be something that was buggy, but I have a gut feeling Microsoft has put a lot more into it than I'm expecting, and the hands-on reports will prove that initial expectation wrong.

Meanwhile, Riccitiello considered Sony's motion controller "a great bridge technology," providing users with an experience that's unlike what they've used previously, but at the same time, "it doesn't require quite the leap of faith that Natal does." At this point, though, all we're seeing is a technical demo, and so we don't have anywhere as great an idea of how the technology will play out as we do with Project Natal.

Both technologies, to me at least, seem to be trying to do a bit more with motion than the Wii is managing. Just because Nintendo did it first does not mean they can do it best. But it seems to me, as well as to Riccitiello, that each of the companies are carving out their own distinct niches when it comes to motion technology. It's certainly a boon for us: with this generation's lifecycle only approaching half-way through, this technology should really be something special by the end of the generation.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.