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I would say the best solution for DRM is to attach it all to one username/handle/tag or whatever so that as long as someone has control over said tag they can access, download and use any media they have. Its like Steam accounts. People don't share them as much as you would think given that you can only log in at one place at once with it. I don't think the issue is in the storage, but the right to use said content. I think Microsoft intends to eventually use their Live I.D service so you can use your one Windows I.D to access all of your content on multiple devices.

With regards to content, people seem to be taking the approach that so long as its convenient they will do it. The brick and mortar rental places are suffering due to Netflix, and then Netflix is becoming more than just a DVD delivery service. In these comparisons there are implicit costs on both sides. Theres an implicit cost in going to a store to pick up a DVD/Blu Ray disc in time/money/transportation expenses. However in consumption theres no apparant difference in the experience whether someone has a disc or is streaming off a file server or web server.


The Blu Ray Bit Rate is 40Mbit per second for video (maximum).

Im not being optimistic and saying that the technology will be ready for prime time this year to stream Blu Ray quality video. However these are averages so one could say that the top 5 countries would be ready to stream the highest quality video with select consumers capable in other countries as well. Within 10 years would it be too arrogant to say that the majority of people in the western world who have internet access will have the capability to stream video at more than 50Mbit quality?
