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I appreciate a contrived similitude as much as the next guy :) But my peeve is with the quantification of how much better the infrastructure is getting. Plus, you need to build the pool with its filters and pumps.

Digital distribution cached in local home servers implementing the necessary DRM dark mojo can work as long as the final users take upon them the burden of maintaining one or more file servers (arguably with back-up capabilities or redundant storage systems).
How much reliable would you like this box to be to place thousands of dollars worth of content in it, with no physical support? And how practical would this solution be in day-to-day life? The act of taking the content on a mobile player, or lending a movie to a friend would likely become dark rituals of right management.

I hope that the music DRM fiasco taught some lessons to the distributors when we eventually reach that point.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman