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Mario based games has long been a favorite punching bag of Nintendo haters. The sheer amount of Mario based games is a point of accusing Nitendo of rehashng. And the announcement of so many at once can be percieved as Nintendo spinning their wheels.

Wii Vitality, like any peripheral will be an automaticly accosted as its an easy target and more non-gaming/casual fodder to bash.

All in all, the announcements were good but where as Sony and Microsoft sought to overwhelm onlookers, Nintendo announced only what they were ready to announce so its understandable that people are underwhelmed to some degree.

This isn't to excuse the haters, but anything with HD graphics will look far more impressive on demo or trailer than anything that can be put on the Wii. Compare it to a summer action movie, its not about content, its about flashy special effects, wowing the audience, and leaving with a sense of being impressed.