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Following the exclusive gameplay footage at Sony´s E3 2009 media briefing Patrice Desilets of Ubisoft Montreal announced that certain content of the PSP version, Assassin´s Creed: Bloodlines, will be transferable over to the PS3 version of Assassin´s Creed II. The content includes six new weapons which you can unlock by completing certain objectives in Assassin´s Creed: Bloodlines.

Patrice Desilets:

“There will be over 30 weapons in the final game, not to mention the six additional unique weapons you will be able to unlock by playing Assassin´s Creed: Bloodlines on the PSP and connect it to your PS3. “

Whether or not this content will later be available for download on XBL is not clear, though it seems more unlikely then so. It certainly encourages the extra content addicts to pick up the PlayStation 3 and PSP versions


If its true its probably the same thing as 360 getting the Modern warfare 2 map packs first.