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FKNetwork said:
papflesje said:
They were very good conferences, although I feel that Ninty needed metroid - mario AND zelda to score major points.

Xbox 360 set the bar high, I feel that Sony reached it with their press conference, but don't really care which one really "won" because both consoles gave it a heck of a good time the past two days.

How did Sony match it exactly? most the show was PSP and video montages, very lame for the PS3, PSP lineup is cool though,


That PSP line-up was very impressive imho (and I don't even like handhelds).

Milo (from Xbox) seems cool, but also seems like a lot of "ooh aaah"'s and little substance. It reminds me of the emotion engine and things like that. With some skill, they whipped up something that seemingly reacts to what you say, but I wonder if that thing would've done anything good if they picked someone from the audience to go bananas against it).

Project Natal looks very promising and is insanely cool, although that gif where the girl goes loco, is my biggest fear for the thing.. that it becomes a gadget.

Sony's motion control goes the same way. It looked neat, had some "improvements" but seems very much "working stage" and because of both items not receiving any window of "release", I'm not betting on either.

Sony imho did well to promote the PSP and its barrage of high profile titles, and also managed to secure FF XIV, a R* exclusive (so far >_>) and things like that ModNation Racers and Assassin's Creed 2 interactivity with the PSP. Count in uncharted 2 looking amazing and Team Ico's The last Guardian and imho they've matched Alan Wake and the multiple Halo's. They won't sell as much probably, but they are equal to the task of supporting the console. Heck, I was even surprised they barely showed Fat Princess and Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time.

Both conferences were equal to me. Project Natal has the most promise in the future, but I'll hold my horse until they come with something specific instead of "look at my dick-slinging, ain't it long?" from both Sony and MS.