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It's like buying a car, you can buy a $60k or a $15k, take the same cruises, slighty different, but it's a matter of taste and treatment.

You walk in to a lot of households and you see an NES sitting under the table collecting dust, but it's there, and the owners of the house are 50 without kids living there anymore.

"The potential weakness of the Wii offering is that the target market of younger teens could become saturated quicker than for the same demographic on the DS. Will the unique lifestyle-type games which work on a portable device much loved by girls, translate to a static TV-based console?" - I can't help but see this as the entire mood setting for his article's bizzare reasonings.

When will colleges start offering Electronic Entertainment Economics degrees so we can weed out these idiots who can pull anything from the air without understanding the nature of the past, and its absolute unpredictability?

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.