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All three were pretty close, I'd give Sony the edge because they showed excalty what I wanted: The Last Guardian, GT5+GTPSP, God of War III, Uncharted 2, MGS: PW, etc. ModNation Racers' track creator looked very interesting also. They screwed up big time with the motion sensing thing, it looks bad and it was demoed even worse

Nintendo showed some games, but I don't care much about most of them, except for Golden Sun DS which I await anxiously. Still, it was a huge improvement over last year's E3. Their biggest "what the fuck" moment was those 5-10 minutes dedicated to the Vitality Sensor...what a waste

Microsoft didn't have many games I care about either, but Forza 3 and Crackdown 2 look good. They showed some nice multiplats (Beatles? Yes, please), but I'm not too keen on their announcements (couldn't care less about Halo Reach)
Natal looked better than Sony's thing, but I'm still unsure how that's gonna work, and I really doubt many games will use it