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Ah yes, as I've seen in previous generations.

First year is over, now developers are choosing which console they will develop for the rest of this generation. Since the Wii is selling faster (and outsold its competitors) devs will aim for the Wii for most of their projects.

This is what helped the PS1. Most games were SNES ports with CD Audio and Intro FMVs (WHOA!) But they gave Sony the huge library they needed to pull ahead of the N64 and Saturn.

This is what helped the PS2. Most games were PS1/DC ports with more polygons and better quality videos(WHOA!) But they gave Sony the huge library they needed to keep their lead over the GC and XBox.

Now this will help the Wii. Most of these new games are PS2 ports with waggle and improved framerates (WHOA!) But will give the Wii the huge library it needs to stay ahead of the PS3 and X360.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.