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sony = 9/10 had awesome games like modnation racer plus the final fantasy XIV (although it doesn't interest me at all, being an mmo, but still a big exclusive). The motion controller had more potential than anything else I have seen (although natel could be better, but haven't seen enough of it to know for sure. All the psp stuff put Sony ahead.

Microsoft = 8/10 They had a great showing and showed off some new tech in natel. Milo, SCC, AW, both halo's all look great. The social networking features are a good plus, but I was hoping for some more. However, they did manage to keep mass effect 2 secure, so thats good. Overall I'm most excited about MS's line up, but Sony's E3 conference was better.

Nintendo= 7/10 They did a lot better than I thought they would. The blindsided me with the new metroid (of which I'm totally pumped) and the goldsun ds. NSMB Wii looks awesome, but MG2 looks like the same old game which I have never been able to get into. I thought nintendo was joking with me when they announced the vitality sensor, but nope they were serious. The wii moion + I have known about for a year, so yeah, Nintendo gets last place.