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Onimusha12 said:

And if someone had made a similar comment about the PS3 they would have been called a troll without you to come to their defense. He made this thread so he could make that decision before plunking down 250+ bucks which is less than plunking down 300-500+ or 500-600+ bucks so give it a rest yourself.

I would have said exactly the same thing -- if there are no PS3 games that you know you want, you shouldn't be buying a PS3.  BTW, the only current generation console I own is the Wii, so it's amusing that you would suggest I'm backing an anti-Wii troll and would ignore an anti-PS3 troll.

I still don't understand why people can't see the difference between trolling and simple negative comments.  They are not the same thing!  I don't even see Montana's comment as negative toward the Wii.


@homelesscarl: I enjoyed Trauma Center on the DS, is it more difficult on the Wii?  The DS version was pissy enough at times.


On the original topic:

Wii Play is a must-buy, a no-brainer.  You want a second remote anyway, and the game packs in quite a lot of fun for $10.

Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, and Resident Evil 4 are all great single-player adventures.

Rayman and Warioware are fun if you're going to have lots of people over.  You only need one of these, not both.