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kowenicki said:
ps3 eye surely cant do 3d.... only one camera.

How is that relevant? You only need to triangulate to do 3-d and you already have 3 reference points: the camera, the console and the player(s). All that's needed is for the player(s) to have something simple and cheap which transmits (a ring, or necklace, or...) if not an actual controller, and you have triangulation for 4-d movement (remember time is also a factor). if you're going to move full body motion gaming into other gaming genre's like FPS, TPS, hack'n'slash adventure, etc then most people will want to hold something in their hands while shooting their gun or swinging their weapon(s). I think PS2 eyetoy has a sword-swinging game of some sort. Then it's a simple matter of software. Given Sony already has 90%+ of the hardware necessary it could well be that while MS announced first Sony may deploy first.

Sony can't thrive and push gaming forward without upping the motion control features beyond what it already has. It must have a timeframe for sophisticated motion capture on par with MS, or it needs to try to take gaming into a different direction entirely.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix