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Avinash_Tyagi said:
FKNetwork said:
E3 2009: Project Natal Meets Burnout Paradise
Step on the gas.
by Ryan Clements

US, June 1, 2009 - With Microsoft unveiling the potentially revolutionary Project Natal during its press conference today, we've already considered how games could be changed with such accurate motion controls. At a Microsoft event, we had the opportunity to experience Project Natal as it has been implemented into a pre-existing game: Burnout Paradise.

The game controls surprisingly well, with your hands controlling the steering and your feet controlling the car's acceleration. Stepping forward gives your ride some juice and stepping back hits the brakes.

Although this is just a minor taste of what's possible with Project Natal, it's great to see that the system will be possible with previously released games that might not have been designed with motion control in mind.

IGN pointed out that the burnout used at E3 with NATAL was a version designed to run with NATAL, it wasn't the retail version:

The first demo I tried was what Microsoft was calling "Burnout Natal." Though it isn't a real game in development, the mixture of Burnout Paradise and the Natal camera was meant to provide proof that you could use the device's technology for practically any genre or software. How quickly I was recognized into the Natal's body identification system (just a few seconds) was surprising, and in a matter of moments I was controlling Burnout paradise with my feet and hands.


I'm pointing out that games/developers are already using it, you said you can't see games working well with it, this proves you VERY wrong lol