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ssj12 said:
Onyxmeth said:
ssj12 said:

I've watched some friends beat the games... so I have kowledge of. And yes I sat there and watched for like 10 hours straight for each game till they beat them. I just haven't seen MGS2 for ages.

And I though Young Snke = Solid Snake in a younger form or was he just another clone of Big Boss.

So now that you recall MGS2, you realize your point has no bite, correct? MGS: Rising could very well be the next main title in the MGS storyline.

If by Young Snake, you mean the main character of MGS3, that is Naked Snake, and that is the man that would become Big Boss.

Well it is no longer a stealth game like the main franchise. Plus the mian franchise it would be MGS5: Rising. I think this is a side-story to fill in some gaps in the main MGS story.

1. how do you know it is no longer a stealth game like the main franchise?

2. What if there is no MGS5 and Kojima intend to continue the MGS series with Raiden's story?

3. If you never played MGS games and know the whole story, how can you tell if it's a side story or not?

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.