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From what i've seen MS had an amazing E3 conference, they showed Alan Wake and Splinter Cell, announced Forza and L4D 2 and long anticipaited metal Gear Solid on its system (im probably going to get MGS and Alan Wake). Even that new gimmick seems kinda cool, yet a bit desperate in its wii copying (a bit like avatar).

Im just a bit dissapointed that nothing was showed in terms of RPG's for the 360, i know Mass Effect 2 is coming in 2010 (and i cant wait, still havent finished the 1st one but im loving it) but thats pretty much it, im quite suprised that MS is not offering more JRPG's after aquiring so many in the past. Also nothign has been showed in terms of WRPG's on the system. I know the library that 360 has is extensive (im a new owner yet to play most of its games) but i just feel that people in Redmond forgot about the best genre there is :P