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Electronic Arts

EA Conference

IGN Liveblog O

3:11 - Rod announces SimAnimals. It's new and different. Not like SimSafari, SimAnt or any other Sim Animal like game. confirmed animal sex. Coming January 2009 exclusively for Wii and DS.

3:15 - Sims 3 trailer time! Showcases the community aspect and town parts of the game. Plus there are cellphones! And an emo haired rock celebrity.

3:17 - Dead Space is up next. Huge screensots of space autopsies on people that are still alive. Totally freaking gross, in an awesome way.

3:25 - Patrick Soderlund from EA Europe is on stage to show off Mirror's Edge

3:40 - Spore trailer. Telling the history of life though Spore. Ameobas to fish to land dwellers to war mongering bidepal jerks.

3:43 - Peter Moore is on stage, ready to talk about NBA Live. Bill Walton is here too, talking about how cool Spore is. Oh wait he's supposed to be talking about how cool NBA Live is, oops.

3:58 - Peter Moore is demoing EA All Play with Tiger Woods. He's better than a professional lady golfer since he's playing on "kid mode."

4:04 - Nanea Reeves has come out to announce Nucleus. It's an online account and social networking tool built around the EA games.

4:06 - Shawn Fanning is now on stage, talking about Rupture. He's showing off something called Social Achievements, which are made and posted by users to challenge their friends.

4:08 - EA Mobile is talking about games for the iPhone. Tetris uses touch screen and Spore uses the accelerometer.

4:12 - Bioware showed up, gave us a trailer for Dragon Age Origins (it's a fantasy RPG. With dragons perhaps) then left quickly.

4:15 -Now Valve is up with Left 4 Dead. Oh no... powerpoint? Valve! You know better!

4:21 - Holy crap it's John Carmack. He's on stage and talking about a partnership with EA. Id has a taste of a new title, Rage, which is a first person, post-apocalypticish Mad Max meets Doom thing.


Star Wars: Old Republic MMO O