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VGC Official MS Conference Thread O


MS announces Conference Time Change, from 10:30 to 10:25 O
MS Sends out Email pre-E3 O
Seece's MS games rumored to be in MS conference O

Halo ODST Retail + Special Edition Dated and Priced O

Time Magazine writes about Natal O




"Metal Gear Solid Rising" starring Raiden is confirmed as multiplat O

"Alan Wake" set for 2010 release O

"Crackdown 2" "Left 4 Dead 2" announced, exclusive O

"Forza Motorsports 3" announced exclusive with October 09' release O

"Shadow Complex" announced for XBLA releases in winter 09' O

"Halo:Reach" announced, "Halo ODST" details emerge O


"Natal" 3D camera for 360 announced O

VGC Microsoft E3 conference Photolog O



"Games on Demand" (GoD teehee) allows gamers to buy games online with a credit card O

IGN Liveblog O

(Read upside-down)

This is the end of the conference, beginning at bottom of page

(11:58:01 AM): Rectangular peripheral is what it seems to be that sits low in front of your TV. It's project Natal. 'The only experience you need is life experience', says Mattrick. Sensor in Natal tracks 3D movement. It will work with every 360 sold so far. And every one to be sold.

(11:56:57 AM): Friends online with video chat, selecting clothes for each other to wear for going out to parties. Playing 1 vs 100. System will feature voice recognition. Can say 'play movie' to get a movie to start.

(11:51:10 AM): The next major release will be called Metal Gear Solid Rising and development is currently underway for Xbox 360. He didn't say anything about solid snake.

(11:49:48 AM): He looks happy. He thinks microsoft is missing one crucial piece of the puzzle. OMG. Kojima on stage.

(11:48:28 AM): Looks like you can view other people's Twitter posts, and you can post from Twitter right from your Xbox. Updates instantly. Twitter and Facebook will be coming to Xbox Live this fall.

(11:47:34 AM): Facebook Connect is on there as well, which lets you posts screens and texts in real time. Will work for the new Tiger Woods PGA Tour. In addition to Facebook, Twitter will also be available through XBL.

(11:45:35 AM): Season 3 of the guild is coming this fall... Showing off Facebook on Xbox 360. Same kind of windowed browser as the rest of the Xbox interface. Can use friend linker, that shows XBL and FB friends in the same list.

(11:44:19 AM): Announcing Live Party so that your avatars will sit around a virtual TV and watch it. Looks like a lame version of Mystery Science Theatre. Announcing a partnership with Facebook. Felicia Day on stage from The Guild.

(11:42:54 AM): Today Microsoft is relaunching video service with full 1080p with Zune video. Also, every movie and TV show will be accessible instantly. Doubling number of countries video store is available in. Will launch this fall. No need to download or anything. Will just play.

(11:39:40 AM): saying there'll be some kind of innovation coming to Xbox Live. Music is coming to Xbox Live, with partnership to Lukewarm applause.

(11:32:53 AM): Sam Lake from Remedy. Lake going to introduce a writer. Showing in-game footage from Alan Wake. There's going to be an in-game demo.

(11:32:29 AM): When you buy ODST you get an i Alan Wake is giving voice over, saying his work is actually coming to life in this town.nvite to the Reach multiplayer beta. I think they said Earth 359 in the Reach video. Also I think Falls 2010 means sometime in 2010 not Fall.

(11:31:31 AM): Showing the surface of a planet rotating around. Explosions scarring the surface as people scream over radio chatter. Halo Reach announced. Fall 2010. from Bungie and MGS

(11:25:00 AM): Joe Staten from Bungie for ODST. Showing in-game demo.

(11:18:29 AM): In October they'll be shipping Forza Motorsport 3. Showing a trailer, doesn't appear to be in-game footage of cars racing around.

(11:17:40 AM): Seems very violent, dark, and action-heavy. Will release this fall exclusively on Xbox 360. Shappert talking again, talking about Turn 10 studios and racing games.

More Info on SC:Conviction O

(11:10:44 AM): Another trailer playing, man playing a piano. It's Sam Fisher, splinter cell conviction.

(11:09:46 AM): Now sownig a trailer with zombies running around, high level of gore. There are chainswaws in the game, decapitation. Left 4 dead 2 on Nov 17. Xbox 360 / PC is what I saw on there.

(11:07:58 AM): Another trailer starting up. Saying the City is infected and that you are the cure. Power suited soldiers chasing after enemies. holy crap. Crackdown 2 confirmed.

(11:06:03 AM): It's coming to XBLA this summer, it'll be at Microsoft's booth at E3 along with Gears Dark Corners content. Now moving on to the next game, called Joy Ride from BigPark. Cartoonish style trailer. It's an 'avatar adventure.'

(11:02:51 AM): Schappert takling again, saying every single game and demo and experience will be available only on Xbox 360. Donald Mustard and Cliff Blezinski from Epic coming onstage. They're announcing Shadow Complex, an XBLA game.

(10:59:01 AM): Giving a brief history of Final Fantasy, tracing FF from when it first started 20 years ago. Last year (Toriyama) says he shocked the world with the FFXIII to Xbox 360 announcement. Today they're premiering the game running on Xbox 360.

(10:57:38 AM): Infinity Ward and Activision will release 2 MW2 map packs first on XBL.

(10:44:33 AM): No wheels on it, but it's got an accelerometer, it can sense if you put your foot alongside it to push you along.

(10:43:44 AM): Tony Hawk coming out on stage. Carrying a skateboard, naturally, presumably talk about Tony Hawk Ride. Oh it's the skateboard controller he's holding.

(10:37:34 AM): The game will also have DLC, including full albums, including Abbey Road in its entirety shortly after launch. All you need is love will be downloable only through Xbox Live. Proceeds from purchases donated to Doctors Without Borders.

(10:29:30 AM): And it ends with the title of The Beatles Rock Band. Alex Regopolis on stage now and Van Toffler from MTV. That was the opening cinematic from the game.

The E3 press conferences are where all of the magic happens. It was during this talk last year that Microsoft announced its plans for Avatars and Square's intentions to bring Final Fantasy XIII to Xbox 360. Two years ago, Peter Moore kept hitting the guide button while playing Rock Band and Jeff Bell called Reggie Bush his "brother." This is the one part of E3 you as a gamer can't afford to miss.




Alan Wake


Halo Reach


Crackdown 2



Best and Worst of Microsoft's E3 conference -MontanaHatchet O

Pros and Cons of Microsofts E3 Conference -Leonidus O



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