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dahuman said:
JPL78 said:

dahuman, but its camera driven. So, no Wii mote in the world could begin to analyze your facial features and voice patterns. And both of those things are possible on the Wii but not probably that they'll do them. In order to do it they would need a camera and a microphone. This device does it all in one and while I hate this type of gaming even I have to admit I'm taken back by it.

Software driven, yes, what else would be driving it magical fairy dust? It's still a big step in the development of A.I. and the advancement of gaming in general, in a much more pronounced way than the Wii has accomplished. Plus it is only as good as the software and that will grow and improve. I mean, the terminators in the terminator movies are software driven at some point, I'm guessing it still hurts when they shoot you in the head. This device simply gives the ways to a means. I didn't say it was perfect or fully realized.

Will people buy it when its not packed in? Probably not so much. Is 200 dollars to much? Probably. Will it be a success. Doubtful in this generation but it is still a mammoth step forward and anyone trivializing it because, boo hoo, they don't like Microsoft or Boo Hoo it is much more ingenious the entire concept of the Wii. I don't know what to tell you except look at the implications and the potential, not as some piece of fully ready, fully realized equipment ready to launch.

I don't think Wii will lose any sales I said I was clearly kidding. I don't think it will take much if any market share. I do think this is so obviously the future in some way or form. So everyone can go "it's just an Eye Toy" or "it's just a novelty" as much as I hate the thought of not having a controller one day even I have to admit those people are being persnickety dolts with big blinders on. When you see the future you know it, Microsoft showed us the future today and I'm sorry it doesn't involve a Wiimote. Try not to take it so personal.

did you just bring up terminator like they really exist? ^^;;; I'm not trying to pick a fight with you man, it's just that some of the things you type are a little mmm.... wacky? I'm not saying that it's bad tech, but tbh, it's nothing new, it's an improved capture system that they want to bring into gaming, but this particular tech doesn't impress me one bit, I was hoping for something better, I want to see what's next already as I'm looking right past Natal.

i completely agree with you. actualy they have been doing this tech for awhile. if i want this tech ill just buy it for the pc.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049