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The Wii's done, stick a fork in her.

Seriously, and no I wasn't being serious there. You Ninfans are being retarded calling MS tech a "novelty" and the Wii as being, what, not a novelty? Sales numbers don't equal "not a novelty." Last time I checked the Wii can't recognize your voice, talk to you, understand your emotions.

I don't care for this type of stuff, less I could give a crap what does or doesn't happen, but this pretty much trumps the Wiis entire existence. If you had Mario and Zelda games on an Xbox you would have Wii fans jumping ship. Instead they thumb their nose up at it and make snide remarks. I think somewhere shiggy is weeping a small tear that he just didn't implement it first. Although I'm sure he'll publicly come out and denounce it, saying it can't be any good because he didn't invent it.