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Lol, a lot of people are focused on Natal here. I guess it was a success then. People already forgot the other fantastic announcements.

Anyone who loves music should love the connectivity. If you're into music and haven't checked out, do it. That and Pandora are awesome music discovery sites.

Facebook and Twitter. Listen, I have Facebook, but I'm never really "on it". I signed up for Twitter ages ago, but I didn't understand the allure. However, I'm also not naive enough to think that my opinion is the consensus. People love that stuff. Especially, wait for it, them casuals Microsoft wants to get on board.

Games! Are you kidding me? Forza 3, seems to look amazing and will, unless the 2010 release has been bumped, will be released before GT5. Alan Wake is looking great. Crackdown 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising 2, Halo ODST, and Halo Rising. These are all big games. Most of which never before seen.

Then there's Natal. People are saying the tech won't work as advertised. This technology is based off the research and development by a company called 3DV which Microsoft acquired. There were already demos of the technology and everything. Check out the many articles at Ars Technica, Engadget and Gizmodo. All of which said it worked surprisingly well. Very surprisingly well. I read one article which said the boxing game they demoed was much much more responsive than Wii Sports Boxing and that the interface navigation demoed seemed to demonstrate a preciseness above that of the Wii controller.

Finally, yes the Natal has gimmick written all over it. And you know what? Gimmicks sell.... very well. If this product works as advertised, it will sell very well. Hell, I'll be baying one just for the navigation elements.

Microsoft is turning the Microsoft into a very flexible entertainment device with all of it's future offerings: Netflix,, Zune, Live, Twitter. And it will soon be able to all be controlled without having to pick up a controller. I think that's pretty F'in cool.