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outlawauron said:
slowmo said:
Shadowblind said:

Holy crap...that was amazing.


I'm seriously, for once in my life at a loss of words to describe that Press Conference. That was stunning, amazing, fantastic.....good lord.

Alan Wake. Metal gear. Halo Reach. CRACKDOWN 2! FFXIII RUNNING ON THE 360. And to top everything, Project Natal.

A little disappointed in SC, it looks like a fantastic title, but not really like SC. But Alan Wake was beyond stunning. I practically got chills just from seeing that video. APB was a no show, and Rare wasn't either(>_<) but even at that, it was phenominal.

So my question to you all, is the rest of my E3 gonna be disappointing? I can't wait to see what else is to come at this already fantastic E3!

P.S. Is Metal Gear Raiden exclusive on 360? Because I remember them saying "all games after this point will be EXCLUSIVE."

Excellent post, too few amongst the trolls in here.

I know you like his post, but is everyone who doesn't absolutely love their conference a troll? Seriously now.

And this is also funny news.

Kojima isn't making the 360 MGS.

We have people in here comparing low bit stream video and saying they look worse than other games.  There are people off hand writing off a technology before they've had chance to experience it themselves (which is necessary in a motion controller, see 2006 Wii threads).  There are people whinging about Halo games without any thought for others who maybe interested in them.  All in all yes the thread is full of trolls, if you choose to ignore them then fine that's your perogative.  Looking at most of this thread its quite apparant I must have watched a different presentation to half the posters.