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slowmo said:
Serious_frusting said:
@ slowmo

Give me a example of damage control a sony fan has done in this thread. And even 360 owners are making negative comments on the motion thing not just the Wii pips

Well heres one I found:

"i didnt see anything special about forza lol"

If you didn't think anything regarding that presentation was special then it's damage control.

After that though you have a point really, looking back it was pretty much a majority of Nintendo fans who have been trolling persistantly from the start so I retract my statement that it was the Sony fans.  I'm not too petty to admit when I'm wrong.

I don't see much trolling in this thread, in fact little to none.

I own a 360 and would have bought motion controls for it. I'm very unlikely to buy these though, they seem too limited. The best thing I can say about it is "maybe Microsoft didn't demonstrate the best of it".


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957