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staticneuron said:
dpmnymkrprez said:

Why does everyone say the Wii is for children??? I am 30 years old, and played games most my life. When i was younger, friends and girls thought it was immature. I had to play them in my room in discrete. When I got on my own, I just didnt care and found others my age who liked games as well.

BOTTOM LINE. I don't want to hear anyone on this site say the wii is for kids, or any sytem for that matter. I will some questions and the ones who say NO are insecure and are probably only buying hardware to make up for what they do not have.


Question #1: Have you ever been to Chuck E Cheese pizza or Dave and busters, and do you like to go???

Question #2: Have you ever been to disneyland or a theme park for kids would you want to go????


If you answered no, then you obviously are insecure or maybe do not like kids. The point I am making is we are kids at heart no matter what age. you are only as old as you act. This was a very diplomatic post, and lets take the bets, anyone think anyone else will be offended or start something with me?? Or are we all going to agree?



What are you saying? Wait wait...... are you denying that chuck e cheese and disney's target demographic is children? Everything was made for children before pleasure island was built (no children allowed there).

It's great that you haven't lost your childhood but I hate to break it to you but the simple and unoffensive nature of the Wii makes it seem like it is targeted towards children. I understand that there are games comming along that you wouldn't want a child to play but on many of the current games my baby sis is actually doing just fine and she really is not a gamer.

This is almost like saying that disney movies aren't for children because you enjoy them. I enjoy disney movies and catch some humor intended for adults but I am not under the impression that the movie was crafted to catch my demographic mainly..... its just there because disney knows that parents actually have to go with children to play these games. Adults are an afterthought.


Edit: To make this more clear lets call the Wii a movie theatere which has only shown G and PG movies as of late. (all ages watch those rating but it is assumed to be unoffensive due to target audience). While every other system has shown something for all ages. Flow and viva piniata are very general audeince games while still having gears, dead rising, resistance and fear.


Edit #2: "I don't want to hear anyone on this site say the wii is for kids, or any sytem for that matter. I will some questions and the ones who say NO are insecure and are probably only buying hardware to make up for what they do not have."


Sounds like someone here are insecure about their purchases. I bought a Wii and I still say its aimed for children yet I enjoy it. albeit the games are starting to seem easy but I may need try some more games... 

I own a ps3 as well , I like to play games with my nephew at Chuck E Cheese,

please read my friend I wrote I dont want anyone to say the wii is for kids or any other system.... Can you read where I wrote ANY OTHER SYSTEM, Can you people not read and interprit or are you so callow that you jump to start an argument.