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slowmo said:
NJ5 said:
For everyone who is excited about the Natal stuff, take a moment and think about how your favorite games would be controlled with that.

You're likely to conclude that most of them simply wouldn't work without being severely dumbed down.

Imagine how much more fluid the controls in Wii Sports would have been on a regular controller.  For a start you could actually move your chracter yourself.  Stop being so close minded about concepts, gaming is evolving, sacrifices in terms of complexity and micro details can more than be comensated for in immersion.  As a Wii supporter I expected better mate, seriously.

I am open minded enough to realize this could work great with some games.

I am also crticical-minded enough to realize that's probably a very reduced set of games, due to not having any buttons/triggers and probably not aiming either. Which frankly are needed for a lot of the actions involved in gaming.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957