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CAL4M1TY said:
Judging by the reaction in this thread, I think MS may just have won E3.

A few things:

- Note that after FF13 was discussed on stage, the presenter said that EVERY GAME FROM HERE ON OUT WILL BE AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY ON XBOX 360.

- MGS:Rising appeared after that statement was made. Hence Exclusive (or so we think)

- Previous MGS "Exclusives" have appeared on other consoles under a different name. So Rising appearing on the PS3 is not outside the realm of possibility. But it's about as likely as MGS4 on the 360, right? RIGHT? :)

- Given MS stance on what is deemed as "Exclusive to 360" (i.e PC as well), certain games may appear on that platform (L4D2 definitely said it was).

I don't care much for Nintendo's conference (my Wii is currently sitting unplugged in a bag), but I seriously hope Sony anticipated MS bringing it at E3. They've got around 30 minutes more time to blow MS out of the water. BUT, remember, they've got 3 platforms to speak about and no doubt their take on sales numbers as well.

I think MS did amazingly well, they got right to it and it looked like they had trouble fitting everything in. Alot of what was expected (Crackdown, Forza, Reach, ODST) was there, but they definitely hit a home run with MGS and Natal (that Milo tech demo was amazing, regardless of whether you believe it was all real or not).

I give MS's E3 a 9/10. It really was something else.

That he did, but I just find it odd that the word "exclusive" wasn't said again while it was shown, or Mattrick not finishing with "and this will only be experienced on Xbox 360".  Also, the Kojima interview and the Raiden stuff appeared in the PS3/PSP Famitsu, it would be kind of odd that a 360 only game be included in any form in a PS magazine.