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Kasz216 said:
Blu-Ray won't capture the DVD market.

DVD's will remain king well into 2010. Honestly, I don't think Blu-Ray will ever be more then a side format. (Better the HD-DVD that will die.)

I mean, look at all the advantages DVD had over VHS. How long did it take DVD to beat it? Now what's Blu-rays advantages? It looks a little better. That's about it.

DVD looked a little better too AND had a bunch of advantages.


uh leo-j you're talking out of your @$$

 you're still going to be able to buy SD tvs (standard def) after '08.

 And please don't tell me that after Feb. 08 the standard signal is going to be broadcast in HD. Because it's not, the standard signal is going to switch from an analog broadcast (aka rabbit ear antennas), to a digital broadcast (digital cable box).

 With local cable providers, providing free boxes that transmit the signal.

A lot of people think because broadcasting is switching to digital vs. analogue that means HD which clearly isn't the case.